Our Gospel Meeting is now history. As you reflect upon the Meeting, what thoughts come into your mind? What emotions surge through your heart? How do you assess our efforts?
As I think about the Gospel Meeting, feelings of thanksgiving well up inside me. The periods of fellowship, as we worshipped together, were especially uplifting to me. For the blessings we received, I give thanks to Almighty God “who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” (1 Tim. 6:17b). I also want to express my thanks to those of you who worked so hard to make the Meeting a success. May God’s blessings be upon you.
God’s word of truth was preached during the Meeting. Therefore, my fervent prayer is that it will find lodging in the hearts of those who came to hear it, and that it will bring forth fruit unto life eternal. I also pray that God will bless us with strength and a burning desire to reach out to the lost in our community. Will you join me in praying for these things? To God be the glory!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; Again I will say, rejoice!" (Phil. 4:4)
Whistle While You Work
I grew up chopping cotton! Nearly from the time I could walk, I was given a short-handled version of a cotton-pickin' hoe. Chopping cotton is, I will admit, one step above picking cotton, but just a step. Both are drudgery! Well, to lighten the job we concocted--or had handed down to us--a little ditty that went like this:
"Whistle and hoe, sing as you go! Shorten the rows by the songs that you know."
And so you know what? It did make the rows seem shorter and the load seem lighter as we whistled and sang up and down those cotton rows.
Do you have a hard row to hoe? Don't let discouragement creep in. Buckle down, sing and whistle a little as you can, and the row will get shorter and the load will get lighter. The story is told that the devil put all his tools up for sale except one. Hatred, envy, jealousy, malice, deceit, and many other implements were put "on the block." But discouragement was not for sale at any price, for the devil said, "It is more useful to me than any other tool. With discouragement I can stop more good works, and accomplish more for the cause of evil than with any other tool known to man or to the princes of darkness. Discouragement is not for sale!"
So, whistle as you work! Sing a song as you struggle along! The rows will be shorter and the burden will be lighter. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13).
Bulletin Digest
Our Gospel Meeting is now history. As you reflect upon the Meeting, what thoughts come into your mind? What emotions surge through your heart? How do you assess our efforts?
As I think about the Gospel Meeting, feelings of thanksgiving well up inside me. The periods of fellowship, as we worshipped together, were especially uplifting to me. For the blessings we received, I give thanks to Almighty God “who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” (1 Tim. 6:17b). I also want to express my thanks to those of you who worked so hard to make the Meeting a success. May God’s blessings be upon you.
God’s word of truth was preached during the Meeting. Therefore, my fervent prayer is that it will find lodging in the hearts of those who came to hear it, and that it will bring forth fruit unto life eternal. I also pray that God will bless us with strength and a burning desire to reach out to the lost in our community. Will you join me in praying for these things? To God be the glory!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; Again I will say, rejoice!" (Phil. 4:4)
Whistle While You Work
I grew up chopping cotton! Nearly from the time I could walk, I was given a short-handled version of a cotton-pickin' hoe. Chopping cotton is, I will admit, one step above picking cotton, but just a step. Both are drudgery! Well, to lighten the job we concocted--or had handed down to us--a little ditty that went like this:
"Whistle and hoe, sing as you go! Shorten the rows by the songs that you know."
And so you know what? It did make the rows seem shorter and the load seem lighter as we whistled and sang up and down those cotton rows.
Do you have a hard row to hoe? Don't let discouragement creep in. Buckle down, sing and whistle a little as you can, and the row will get shorter and the load will get lighter. The story is told that the devil put all his tools up for sale except one. Hatred, envy, jealousy, malice, deceit, and many other implements were put "on the block." But discouragement was not for sale at any price, for the devil said, "It is more useful to me than any other tool. With discouragement I can stop more good works, and accomplish more for the cause of evil than with any other tool known to man or to the princes of darkness. Discouragement is not for sale!"
So, whistle as you work! Sing a song as you struggle along! The rows will be shorter and the burden will be lighter. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13).
Bulletin Digest